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What’s the Difference? Lutron’s Caséta, RadioRA 3 & HomeWorks Control Systems

Three Lutron lighting keypads with the buttons “Welcome,” “Away,” “Cooking,” “Dining,” and “Entertaining.” In the background is a modern home and staircase.

Comparing Lutron’s Control Systems to Find the Best Solution for Your Home

If you’re reading this, there’s a strong chance that you’re interested in smart lighting control. Congrats! You’ve come to the right place. We’re a Bay Area Lutron dealer that designs and installs custom lighting systems that adapt to your daily routines and activities.

Lutron is a world leader in smart lighting, but not all of its solutions are the same. Lutron offers three control system options: Caséta, RadioRA 3, and HomeWorks.

As a Lutron dealer, we can typically tell which control system to install based on a homeowner’s needs and preferences. But if you’re curious, here’s what each system does differently and how they may (or may not) be suited to your San Francisco home.

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Smart Lighting Control: A Switchless Lighting Solution


Here Are 4 Options for Controlling Your Home’s Lighting without Flipping a Switch

People have done it for so long that they don’t even think twice about it: walking into a dark room and flipping the light switch. Immediate light floods the space, illuminating everything and even adding ambiance to the room. And yet, in a world of smart technology (i.e., smart cars, AI-powered computers and devices, and smart home products), you’d think there’d be a better way to control something as common as a light switch.

Smart lighting control is the answer! Instead of using a typical light switch or dimmer, you’ll enjoy a seamless and stylish way to illuminate your Bay Area, California home. Still, there’s more than one way to do it! Keep reading to learn how smart lighting control comes in many forms.

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Is Your Home Surveillance System Missing Something?


Discover Why Lighting Control Is an Essential Component to Home Security 

A secure home certainly starts with a robust and smart home security system. Important components like motion sensors, geofencing, mobile alerts, and remote camera and access controls all come into play when ensuring optimal security on your property. Before an intruder even gets to the front door, you’ll know he’s there, and your system will respond immediately.

Still, most homeowners forget about one technology that does just as much to ward off thieves and even catch them in the act: lighting control! Paired with your home surveillance system, indoor and outdoor lighting acts as a deterrent and an effective measure for apprehending intruders at your Bay Area home. Want to find out more? Keep reading our article below. 

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Josh.ai & Lutron Team Up for Home Lighting Control


Want an Easier Way to Control the Lighting in Your Home? Here’s How! 

Smart home automation has transformed how people interact with the technologies in their homes. Even though dimmers and remotes were considered “smart technologies” years ago, they’ve long since been replaced by sleek wall panels, smart home tablets, and smartphone apps that allow seamless and sophisticated control options. 

In the last several years, a new innovation has emerged: voice control! Now, you don’t have to touch anything to take command of your home’s integrated systems. For example, Josh.ai (a state-of-the-art smart home voice assistant) has joined forces with Lutron (an innovator in home lighting control) to offer a better way to adjust natural and artificial lights in your Bay Area home. Keep reading to find out more. 

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Home Lighting Automation Brings Good Things to Light


Why Smart Lighting Is So Much Better Than an On and Off Switch  

Home lighting with a traditional wall switch may have been something special when electricity was first invented, but now, it’s expected in any home. It’s almost second nature: walking into a dark room and fumbling for a light switch or dimmer. Still, in a world of smart technology – smartphones, smart cars, and smart speakers – wouldn’t you think there’s a better way to control your lights?

There is! But we’re not talking about a few smart lightbulbs. Instead, a robust lighting automation system transforms how you interact with the lights in your Bay Area home. One-tap control features, voice commands, and automated settings all come together to create a lighting system that’s futuristic – not one that’s stuck in the past. Keep reading to learn more! 

  761 Hits


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