Discover the Versatility, Convenience, and Luxury of a Smart Home Automation System
In the early 1950s, black and white televisions became commonplace in homes. By 1956, more than half of U.S. homes had a television. No new invention had entered homes faster than the TV. Even though it was a modern marvel, there was only one way to control it: twist the knob to turn it on and off. Now, we can adjust our TVs in a myriad of ways – manually, by remote, or with smart home automation.
If you already live in a smart home, ask yourself this question: Are you controlling your smart technologies only one way? While using a touchpad is certainly more convenient than manually adjusting your lights, TVs, and motorized shades, you have other options too – ones that add even more luxury to your life. Keep reading to discover all four ways you can take control of your Bay Area smart home.