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Lighting Control’s Best Accessory: Lutron’s Wall Keypads

Bright, modern home with a Lutron lighting control keypad on the wall.

Another Reason to Get Excited about Lutron Smart Lighting 

Lutron is a lighting control system that lets you intelligently automate your home’s LED lights and shades. But it’s not just a controller. Lutron also offers a breadth of light fixtures, shades, and wall keypads that enhance the home lighting experience. 

We’ve written about Lutron’s lighting and shading solutions—but let’s look at their eye-catching and design-oriented keypads. In our humble opinion, replacing your regular on/off light switches with sleek, customizable buttons is one of the most exciting benefits of a Lutron system! 

Here’s what we love about Lutron’s wall keypads and what they can offer your Bay Area home. 

Josh.ai & Lutron Team Up for Home Lighting Control


Want an Easier Way to Control the Lighting in Your Home? Here’s How! 

Smart home automation has transformed how people interact with the technologies in their homes. Even though dimmers and remotes were considered “smart technologies” years ago, they’ve long since been replaced by sleek wall panels, smart home tablets, and smartphone apps that allow seamless and sophisticated control options. 

In the last several years, a new innovation has emerged: voice control! Now, you don’t have to touch anything to take command of your home’s integrated systems. For example, Josh.ai (a state-of-the-art smart home voice assistant) has joined forces with Lutron (an innovator in home lighting control) to offer a better way to adjust natural and artificial lights in your Bay Area home. Keep reading to find out more. 


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