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3 Advantages of a Professional AV Installation

A media room featuring a Sony ceiling-mounted projector and motorized screen.

Investing in a Professional Audio-Video Installation Saves You Time and Money 

Smart, automated AV devices are becoming increasingly popular as more homeowners look to upgrade their home entertainment systems, and it’s easy to see why. They can control dozens of audio and video products from a single interface, access the latest streaming and online content, and even customize a home theater experience with just a screen tap. All these features also make modern AV systems incredibly complex to design, install, and integrate with your smart home. 

At Hermary’s, we are the top technology integrators in the Bay Area, offering our clients access to the best brands and industry-leading audio-video installation practices. Besides brand partnerships and expertise, here are three advantages of hiring us to design and install your next audio-video system. 

SEE ALSO: A Day in the Life with Multi-Room Audio

It’s a Job Well Done 

One of the biggest advantages of hiring a professional for your smart home AV installation is knowing that the job will be done correctly. Smart devices from any major industry brand will only take you so far on their own and must be integrated into a whole-home system to work as advertised. 

Each device also has requirements of its own. For example, the drivers on Meridian speakers need to be manually rotated to ensure sound reaches every corner at home. Likewise, any McIntosh audio equipment should be calibrated and digitally corrected to match the specifications of your home. Even a brand-new Ultra HD Sony TV or projector turns into just an expensive screen if installed incorrectly. 

One Job, One System

Every project is unique. It makes sense that any AV system and its installation should be customized to fit your specific needs and preferences. From installing a single device to automating a state-of-the-art home theater, customization contributes to an overall performance designed to reflect your and your family’s lifestyle. 

Is your condo full of natural light coming through its beautiful glass façade? Glare may be an issue while watching TV… unless we install devices engineered to work in high-luminosity conditions. Are you looking for high-end outdoor audio for your house’s backyard? From designing a robust wireless network to installing and connecting weatherproof devices, hiring a professional is your only guarantee that technology systems will work no matter where they are or how you use them in the future. 

Time & Cost-Effective

If you are looking for a sound investment, store-bought AV products installed over the weekend may be more expensive than you realize. Instead, why not hire a local team with plenty of professional references, all the right brand partnerships, and experience spanning decades to help you get the most out of every smart device at home? Contact us so we can design and install an AV system that matches your lifestyle and lasts a lifetime! 

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