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Why You Need A Smart Multi-Room Audio System

A Control4 tablet sits on a marble counter. It is playing the song Lights Out through the Deezer app.

Check out the features that set Control4 apart from a traditional audio system

How often do you listen to music in your home? Most homeowners like to put on their favorite tunes as they do housework or relax after a long day. What if you could enjoy your music, play your record collection, stream your TV audio, and listen to the latest audiobook or podcast no matter where you are in your home? Whole-home audio makes this possible! Speakers will be installed in every room of your home to provide even coverage, and with just a tap, you can listen to the same song throughout your property or different audio in every room of your house.

Some audio systems, however, are smarter than others. Discover three reasons that it is better to have a smart multi-room audio system from Control4 in Hillsborough, CA.


1. Music Sources

Do you listen to music at your home? Many homeowners stream their favorite tunes over a wireless speaker, but most can only provide coverage to one or two rooms. What if you want to listen to music as you walk around the house, such as when you are cleaning or when you go outside? A smart multi-room audio system connects several high-end speakers that play in unison. You can use your favorite streaming services, radio, CD player, record player, or any audio source. Easily select speakers, playlists, audio zones, volume levels, and more with a push of a button.

2. TV Audio

A smart whole-home audio system can do more than just play music. If you are watching your favorite TV show or movie, make sure you don’t miss an important line of dialogue or key scene when you leave to grab a snack or glass of water by connecting your television to your audio system. You will hear the audio as you walk through your house. Simply select your TV on the Control4 app and press “play.” Host the big game or award show and invite all your friends over so that everyone can hear every play or announcement. Your guests can mingle without missing anything!

3. Security

If you are hosting a pool party with guests continually arriving, you do not need to stay by the door and miss out on the fun. Connect your doorbell and intercom to the Control4 smart system so that you receive an alert over your speakers to let you know when someone is at the door. Use your voice control system to unlock the door, all without leaving the water. Lock the door behind them with a similar voice command and get back to the party!

Now is the perfect time to bring the convenience and luxury of whole-home audio to your property. Whether you are building a new home or upgrading an existing one, our experts will carefully install speakers and components that meet your needs. Find out more by calling Hermary’s at (415) 993-7600, chatting with us on this page, or filling out our online contact form. We look forward to making your home more musical!

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