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Don’t Make a Mess with Mesh Networks


Achieve a Stable and Strong Connection with Advanced Smart Home Wi-Fi

Few things are more frustrating in our Wi-Fi world than dealing with buffering videos, poor connections with smart devices, and sluggish responses when you’re browsing the internet or social media. It’s even worse when you need reliable Wi-Fi for home security and other smart home systems. What’s the solution? Some would suggest installing a mesh network. But that can get very messy!

Mesh isn’t always the answer. In fact, it can sometimes cause more problems. Instead, if you want to have strong Wi-Fi signals throughout your property in the Bay Area, smart home Wi-Fi is the solution. Keep reading to see how to fix your Wi-Fi problems. 

Smart Lighting Control: A Switchless Lighting Solution


Here Are 4 Options for Controlling Your Home’s Lighting without Flipping a Switch

People have done it for so long that they don’t even think twice about it: walking into a dark room and flipping the light switch. Immediate light floods the space, illuminating everything and even adding ambiance to the room. And yet, in a world of smart technology (i.e., smart cars, AI-powered computers and devices, and smart home products), you’d think there’d be a better way to control something as common as a light switch.

Smart lighting control is the answer! Instead of using a typical light switch or dimmer, you’ll enjoy a seamless and stylish way to illuminate your Bay Area, California home. Still, there’s more than one way to do it! Keep reading to learn how smart lighting control comes in many forms.

How to Stream Brand-New Movies In Your Home Theater!


Home Theater Design and Online Streaming Create a New Experience

Long before online streaming, people had to wait for a much-anticipated release of a movie in the theaters. Expectation and excitement turned to a thrilling experience once the lights went down and the film began to roll. Then came movie streaming platforms. Right in your own home, you could watch feature films . . . but not until after they were released to video, which could mean months!

But things have changed. Many streaming platforms offer same-day viewing of new releases right in the comfort of your own home! That, coupled with an immersive home theater design, transforms the entire entertainment experience in your Bay Area home. Keep reading to learn more. 

How Smart Lighting Design Adds Ambiance to Your Home


Change the Look and Feel of These 3 Rooms with a New Lighting Layout

Put a lamp here and a light there, and you’ll achieve the perfect ambiance in your home, right? Unfortunately, that’s not always the case. New lights don’t necessarily mean a new look in your rooms. For lighting design to be effective and impressive, proper light placement and high-quality products are essential.

So, how do you set the perfect lighting mood in every room? It’s easier than you think when depending on Hermary’s to design and install a lighting system. Keep reading to see what customized lighting design and high-end fixtures can do for your home in the Bay Area.


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